Proceeds Of Crime
Certain offences attract Proceeds Of Crime Act (POCA) proceedings, and it’s important to make sure the firm you instruct can help you to successfully navigate that aspect of the case.
What Are Procceeds Of Crime?
As if the prospect of a trial and/or sentence for criminal offences is not daunting enough, some people will also face POCA proceedings, typically those who have been convicted of financial or drug related offences.
The rationale for POCA is that anyone who has made money from criminal conduct should have to repay it, as well as serve the sentence handed down by the court.
We're Here To Help
POCA proceedings are commenced towards the end of a criminal case and involve an investigation into a defendant’s financial situation, both in terms of the “benefit” of the criminal conduct and their available assets.
POCA proceedings can be confusing and worrying. Fisher & Co have been instructed in countless cases which involve an additional POCA element. To find out more, contact us now.