Motoring Law

When your driving licence is at stake, you need a solicitor you can rely on to get you the best possible outcome.

Motor Law Specialists

A significant part of our caseload is comprised of summary motoring cases. Common offences falling in that category include speeding, driving whilst under the influence of drugs or alcohol, no insurance, careless driving, failure to provide a specimen, fail to stop/report and using a mobile phone whilst driving.

We are regularly instructed in respect of “exceptional hardship” hearings, i.e. when a client has committed a speeding offence and is at risk of “totting” but wants to make representations in order to avoid/reduce any ban. We have an impressive success rate in dealing with these types of proceedings and would welcome the opportunity to discuss your case. There are more serious motoring offences which are dealt with at the Crown Court.

At Fisher & Co, we have significant experience in dealing with such matters and can provide you with the detailed advice that you need. Please contact us for more information and advice.

Why Choose Us?

Motoring offences can be a relatively complex area of the law and when your licence is at stake, you will need a firm that offers extensive knowledge and skill. Quite simply, you’ve come to the right place. Fisher & Co has a wealth of experience and a proven track record in dealing with motoring cases swiftly and successfully.

Who WIll Carry Out The Work?

All of our solicitors are experienced in motoring law and all cases are supervised by our director, Ian Fisher, who has 34 years of experience as a criminal and motoring law specialist.

To find out more about our team, click here.

How Much Will It Cost?

Legal Aid is rarely available for summary motoring cases, unless there is a risk of custody and you pass the Magistrates’ Court means-test. Therefore, the majority of motoring cases dealt with in the Magistrates’ Court are privately funded.

In line with SRA Transparency Rules, we publish our fees for summary motoring offences.

Fixed Fees

For an initial consultation only (i.e. no further representation), we offer a fixed fee of £150 plus VAT.

For a guilty plea summary motoring offence dealt with in a single hearing (including initial consultation), we offer a fixed fee of £500 plus VAT.

For a trial in respect of a summary motoring offence, we offer a fixed fee of £750 plus VAT for a half day hearing and £1000 plus VAT for a full day.

For advising on the merits of an appeal (where we have not acted in the Magistrates’ Court), we offer a fixed fee of £150 plus VAT.

For conducting an appeal against conviction and/or sentence, our fees range from £500 - £1000 plus VAT, depending on the complexity of the case. We will provide you with a no-obligation estimate in advance.

Please note that all fixed fees below are based on hearings which take place at Norwich Magistrates’ Court. If representation is required at a different court, we will provide a quote which incorporates our fixed fee plus travel costs which are in line with our hourly rates (below).

What's Included:

  • An initial consultation – either by office appointment or over the telephone
  • Consideration of the evidence
  • Taking your instructions
  • Advice on the strength of the evidence and likely outcome
  • All telephone calls, letters and emails
  • Representation at court (except where you have opted for consultation only)
  • Advice on appeal (where we have represented you at the Magistrates’ Court)

Hourly Rates

If you would prefer to pay by hourly rates, we will provide an upfront estimate of the costs involved based on similar cases. Our hourly rates are reviewed annually and are comprised of six minute units. Routine incoming and outgoing telephone calls and letters are charged as a single unit.

Director - £295 per hour plus VAT

Solicitor - £225 per hour plus VAT

Caseworker - £195 per hour plus VAT

Expert Fees

Some motoring cases will require the instruction of an expert to provide a report on matters such as blood alcohol calculations, toxicology assessments and collision investigations.

If your case requires an expert report, we will obtain a quote and seek your authority before any work is undertaken.